I think that I actually expected physics to be quite hard, and I was right. I heard it was going to be fun, but like all of my science classes it has been challenging. I'm not doing as well as I'd like to right now, not by far, however, I know that it's because of my procrastination and lack of asking for extra help. I know that if I have better time management next quarter and actually make the time to get help, then I'll get it. These pictures show how I am before extra help, then how I am after. Like a monkey/gorilla/whatever that is scratching its head to a light bulb that gets it!
An anxiety I have is not being able to simulate the problems in class on a quiz or test, which always happens. However, this anxiety could be appeased easily by just going to extra help or studying more. A reservation I have is that I can't do any labs by myself, I always need help, but I actually think that that's the point of labs, that you're supposed to exchange ideas and learn from them. If we knew all of the answers to a lab without having to discuss the questions then there wouldn't be any sense in doing them.
Again, I think I could be doing way better if I put in more effort and actually asked for help when I needed it, which is pretty much all the time. I'm pretty much looking forward to a fresh start next quarter and I hope I take my own advice and go in for extra help because I need it!