Monday, December 15, 2008

ChristMas Tree CM

Today my dad, my mom, and I carried up our 8-9 foot noble fir chrismtas tree from my garage up the stairs and into my living room. When we got there after much struggling on my dad's part, and relatively little on mine, we had to put the christmas tree into its stand. Our first concern was that the trunk of the huge tree wouldn't fit into the stand, however, that fear was quickly abated when it fit fine, however, soon after we discovered that making the tree stand straight up and keeping it there would be our real problem. After many"1-2-3 lift"s in efforts to screw the tree in straight, we came to the conclusion that the tree was too topheavy to stand on its own. In the second picture you might be able to see how we kept the tree up, by tying a fishing wire from the tree's trunk to a nearby window shutter. That solution worked, as the tree is still standing now. But why did we have to resort to this barbaric form of tree standing? Because the tree's center of mass must have been out of the range of the tree stand's support area. If the tree's CM had been within the support area of the stand we would not have had to use the fishing wire. Now that the tree is up, the next problem is how to decorate that wire to make it less obvious. Any suggestions?